Public Order Offences

Public order offences can be serious and should be handled by an experienced criminal defence lawyer. A person may be charged with a public order offence if they behave in a way which is offensive, disorderly, violent or threatening.


Penalties associated with alleged breach of the peace offences may be significant in Queensland.

The offence of public nuisance carries a maximum penalty of 10 penalty units or 6 months imprisonment. Behaviour that may constitute “public nuisance” may be very broad in definition and could include allegations relating to the use of threatening, obscene or offensive language, sometimes with the aggravating circumstance of intoxication by drugs or alcohol.

The offence of threatening of violence can carry maximum penalties of 2 or 5 years imprisonment, whilst the offence of going armed with intent to cause fear carries a maximum penalty of two years. The offence of affray can incur a maximum penalty of imprisonment for one year. Some of the more serious public order offences such as rioting can carry a penalty ranging anywhere from three years to life imprisonment.

Being charged with a public order offence can have a serious impact on your life and future. Furthermore, a criminal conviction may result in the loss of your employment or your ability to travel abroad.

As one of the leading criminal law firms in Brisbane, we endeavour to get the best outcome regardless of the public order offence committed.

Experienced Public Order Offence Lawyers

Fuller & White Solicitors can provide accurate and hassle-free advice and expertise regarding trial prospects, available defences and probable sentencing outcomes. Contact us today if you require expert legal assistance.